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Awadey, A. (2023) Recipient of the AEA 2023 Professional Development Grant for URM Economists

Gilliland, T. E., Sanchirico, J. N., & Taylor, J. E. (2022). A Bioeconomic Local General Equilibrium Assessment of Distributional Consequences of Small-Scale Fisheries Reform in Developing Countries. Marine Resource Economics, 37(2), 111-134.

James Hartley (Economics) received a grant from the Institute for Humane Studies for a student reading group in the fall. The project is for 4.5 months.

Institute for Humane Studies

Norling, J. (2022) Using Intentions to Predict Fertility. Journal of Demographic Economics, 88(3).

Paus, E. 2022. “Firm Level Innovation, Government Policies, and the Middle Income Trap: Insights from Five Latin American Countries,” CEPAL Review, 2022, 97-118 (with Mike Robinson).

Paus, E. 2022. “Innovación a nivel de las empresas, políticas gubernamentales y la trampa del ingreso medio: enseñanzas de cinco economías latinoamericancas,” Revista de la CEPAL, 2022, 105-132 (with Mike Robinson).

Paus, E. 2023. â€śGlobal Value Chains in Agriculture and the Middle Income Trap: A Framework for Analysis Applied to Peru’s Boom,” Journal of Development Studies. 2023 (with Luis Abugattas and Mari Amparo Criuz-Saco).

Paus, E. 2023. “The Challenge of Productivity-based Development: Innovation Gap and Economic Structure in Latin America,” European Journal of Development Research, 2023. (with Mike Robinson). 

Paus, E., Robinson, M., Treganna, F. 2022. "Firm innovation in Africa and Latin America: Heterogeneity and country context," Industrial and Corporate Change, 31, 338-357.

"Firm innovation in Africa and Latin America: Heterogeneity and Country Context," South African Research Chair in Industrial Development, University of Johannesburg, Working Paper 2022-02, January 2022 (Eva Paus, Michael Robinson and Fiona Treganna).